picture: Leipziger Energie GmbH & Co. KG Energiepark Borna enters next phase source: NeulandQuartier GmbH | March 2024 Building application for first construction phase along the A72 is submitted more
picture: Leipziger Energie GmbH & Co. KG Saxon entrepreneurs in the world source: Foreign trade news | April 2020 5 questions for Danny Wehnert more
picture: Jakob Richter Borna wants to set course for photovoltaic plant on the motorway source: Leipziger Volkszeitung | April 2021 A photovoltaic system on motorway 72 is intended to increase the proportion of green electricity at Städtische Werke Borna. more
picture: Danny Wehnert Solar power from the Solar power from the Gravel-Lake source: Thüringer Allgemeine | April 2021 Leipzig-based company plans a solar park on the Oldisleben gravel pit. more
picture: Leipziger Energie GmbH & Co. KG Funded research project: Photovoltaic system on the cow pond source: Torgauer Zeitung | December 2021 Torgau city councillors approve the preparation of the project-related development plan. more